Here at Simply Bamboo we made a choice early in our business that we would not go down the track of using sub-contractors. We decided that all supply and installing of bamboo flooring will be completed ''in house'' based on a number of reasons:

  • They are full-time employees,
  • They work strictly for Simply Bamboo and are
  • They are trained in cabinet making.

Marcus Staples (co-owner) has been in the trade since 1989. Marcus works alongside our staff on site overseeing and installing our bamboo flooring. Not to offend those sub-contractors out there who have plenty of experience in laying timber floors, but they may not have the necessary skills or attention to detail in laying our pre-finished bamboo flooring. As we only specialise in bamboo flooring overtime with experience we have come to a level and excelled to a superior standard that we can stand y on all our installations. After all it is our reputation and referrals that we receive the majority of our contracts from.

In our experience it has become popular amongst other competitors to sell you the flooring as supply only and then refer you to a sub-contractor, who will do the installation and will be paid direct.

There is nothing wrong or illegal in this practise, however, if there is any installation issue after your floor has been installed and the sub-contractor has been paid, getting them to come back to site to correct it, is not always the case or straightforward as you would think. We are starting to see this issue re-occur where the company who supplies the bamboo flooring only is not liable and basically say ''it is not their problem'', unless their product is faulty.

When you purchase a floor from Simply Bamboo you deal with us from start to finish.
This allows us to take the time and care in installing your floor as if it was our own and if there are any issues later you don't get the run around.

Another issue dealing with a sub-contactor for bamboo flooring installations is that some flooring companies pay the installer an all inclusive price including glue per m2.In order for the installer to make a higher profit, he may use less glue which can result in problems with the floor lifting.

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